Sunday, November 05, 2006

Pikes Peak Video

Dan K. made a cool video compiled from pictures taken by several people (including a bunch of mine) of participants taken during the Rogue 2006 Pikes Peak marathon training program. Click HERE for a larger view.

Locations in the video include Barr Trail (up to Pikes Peak), Guadelupe Mountains National Park, Hill Country State Natural Area near Bandera, and the Rogue Trail Series races in Austin.

Related Posts:

- 2006 Marathon Report, Photos, Dano's awesome video
- 2005 Marathon Report, Photos
- 2008 Marathon/Ascent report
- I got Published
- Barr Trail Mountain Race Report
- 2006 Guadelupe Mountains Trip
- Austin Hill Comparisons

Related Posts:


  1. Very, very cool... makes me want to climb that damn peak!!

    Super important question- does the "Geek-o-Meter" work in other countries (on other continents)? I am going to London and Paris on Friday for work and NEED it to work to LIIIIIIIVVVVVVE :)

    Many thanks...

    Oh yeah, you got a shout-out for the Garmin comment in my blog today. Congrats!

  2. Yes, the Geek-o-meter works anywhere. I am taking mine to India next week. It may just take a little longer to find the satilite the first time you use it.

  3. Wow, that's awesome! Tell Danno that if he spent half as much time training for the race as he did being an AV dork he'd be a lot faster!


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