I have seen postings on this study circulating for a couple of months. This study illustrates how a sedentary lifestyle can impact long term mobility. It contains a series of images comparing the lean muscle mass in the cross section of a human leg between sedentary person and a triathlete. Now on the two year anniversary of leaving the hospital for a severe illness (see previous post), I want to add my own testimonial. The study and pictures suggest the active person was much more capable later in life of retaining mobility. I won’t pretend I was as lean as the triathlete whose X-rays were shown in this study, but suspect this effect must have helped with my survival and/or my recovery those medical issues.
You are here: Home > Running > Testimony
Sunday, July 15, 2012
Q: [Standard Question] How many blocks can you walk before you get out of breath?
A: 13.1 miles.
Q: Do you realize many people who have gone through what you have would still need supplemental oxygen at this stage?
That same doctor now encourages me to be as active as possible and keep moving back towards the activities I used to do. Before this medical drama, I have encountered doctors who discouraged me from running marathons since they bad for the body and encouraged me to keep to drastically shorter distances. I am glad now I went to find other doctors instead.
I have to believe that 10 years of regularly training and running marathons, trail 50k’s, and the occasional half-ironman triathlon did me more good than harm. If I had stuck to the shorter events and not been constantly joining some sort of training group for these longer events, I would not have developed the support community and circle of friends that motivated me to keep coming back for more after each event ended. And without all of that, I would not have bounced back as quickly as I did from that illness, and possibly not at all.
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